China Geosynthetics Society Taian Session was held in Ramanda hotel Taian on Oct 22, 2016, with the society’s primary leaders and decision makers from 29 enterprises attending. Mr. Bo Han, deputy director of Economy and Information Bureau, delivered an address during the session.
As the main co-organizer, Taian Modern Plastic Co.,Ltd undertook a great job of organizing all the activities, which was highly praised by the government officials. Accompanied by vice presidents Dunsheng Wang, Lin Wang, Xianguo Qiang, Peng Wang, President Xuewen Wang attended the meeting and also delivered an address to point out that the market order is disturbed by a series of low-quality products and under-value prices that are caused by a moral and cultural collapse. In a bid to resolve the issue, the self-discipline from industry within should play a significant role apart from the regulation by the government.
The session proved to be successful as of the first move under the leadership of the new government officials, aided by the experts from numerous geosynthetics companies.